Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Katrina: 2 Years Later

I figured since CNN was trying to cash in on stories about life in New Orleans two years after Hurricane Katrina, I'd throw in my two cents' worth.

First off, I have a question to the people still rebuilding their lives two years after Katrina. Why are you still rebuilding your lives? I can understand people who can't let go of their homestead or who want to get a business restarted, but that's not who I was seeing on CNN. What I was seeing was person after person who seemed to have next to nothing. If you're still that poor after two years, you might want to move.

Insensitive, yes, but it has to be said, as does this. The sympathy card has been been played WAY too much with the Katrina crowd. I admit I felt sorry for them and felt New Orleans should have been rebuilt. Now, I have a different opinion. But it's not without reason.

I honestly think New Orleans is too far gone to be saved at this point. The bad guys have taken over and they will not give up control without a superior force taking back New Orleans. The New York Post reported that since Katrina hit, New Orleans has had the highest murder rate of any city in the First World. If this is true, it's a sign that the bad guys have won. If it's not, it's hard to deny that cities where New Orleans refugees wound up saw spikes in crime. You don't have to take my word for it; check out the crime stats for Houston, Texas.

I know there are good people trying to hold onto the remains of their lives or their businesses. The problem is that you're surrounded by bad people. First, it's the politicians trying to earn your vote by telling you how much they care about you, but never really helping you rebuild. Then there are the lawyers trying to get you to sue somebody so they can make a buck. And the thieves, thugs, and murderers are looking at you as potential victims. Not a good place to be in by any stretch of the imagination, but I give you credit for trying to be a candle in the darkness.

But even a candle has to burn out sometime, and I'm afraid New Orleans's candle burnt out some time ago when it chose victimhood over victory.

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